Friday, October 28, 2011


I have read alot of action books in my life but they just dont do the trick to exite me as much as the book "Sunrise Over Faluja". This book has its own series and all of the books are action packed! It is vary fun to read because all of the books are based on true stories of war heroes. If you like action books that keep you on your toes with a twist, than this is the right series for you!!!!!!


  1. I could barley see the words so I couldn't really read, but I got through it and it was good, if you had written more about the book then I could understand more about te book, like what makes it interesting, what is your favorite part, what types of people would you recommend this book to, include these things in your next post. These things could make the post a bit better.

  2. ^^worddddddd. i can't see anything, but i can see that you need to elaborate more.
    happy blogging!:]
