Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Post #4

Over the summer I have read a book called "Fallen Angles". This book is obviously a book on war. This book was made from the author of the same person who made "Sunrise Over Filuja" , so if you liked that book than your going to love this one! This book puts you in the shoes of a squad in Vietnam trying to complete their missions without dying. Although I must admit that as a warfare book it should be having alot of shooting and explosive action, but its not all that... That is why this book is realistic. This story is not a true story but it is a realistic one because in Vietnam there was not action all over the place because the traps made troops need to be stealthy. I highly recommend this book (NOT A TRUE STORY)!


  1. its interesting how the author puts you in the shoes of a squad in vietnam

  2. its intresting that you tell us what genre book is but still hook people into wanting to read it
