Tuesday, January 31, 2012

post #5

The book that I have recently read is called "Boy a war". I highly recommend this book because of its mix of war, action, and feel. This book is about a boy who lives in Hawaii, this boy had an avrage teenage life until the pearl harbor incidence. This boy was raged and wanted to help fight against whoever has done it, he cared about his country more than he cared about himself at that point. I wont tell you people what happens next so I dont spoil it for you, but all I can tell you is that from that point on, he would make racial jokes about his "old" Asian friends. For example, he would call them offensive words like "Jap" or Tojo". As the war raged on, the boy raged on with his own emotions. He changed his family life, his personal life, himself, and all the people around him. I highly recommend this book to ANYONE at all because it can give you emotions that you have never had before and its a true story so its better to make you believe this kind of stuff actually happened after the pearl harbor attack.      

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Post #4

Over the summer I have read a book called "Fallen Angles". This book is obviously a book on war. This book was made from the author of the same person who made "Sunrise Over Filuja" , so if you liked that book than your going to love this one! This book puts you in the shoes of a squad in Vietnam trying to complete their missions without dying. Although I must admit that as a warfare book it should be having alot of shooting and explosive action, but its not all that... That is why this book is realistic. This story is not a true story but it is a realistic one because in Vietnam there was not action all over the place because the traps made troops need to be stealthy. I highly recommend this book (NOT A TRUE STORY)!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Post #3

I have read a book called "True ww2 stories". I know the title of this book is a little general but this book does not have that much action in it just to symbolize the silence and sadness of war. The stories in this book are outstanding and emotional. Unlike most warfare books, this on has multiple lessons of war in each story. I highly advise to read this book because if you are intrested about war, that i bet your all just thinking about action and death, this book has the emotional side of war...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Post #2

I have just read "Black Hawk Down". This book was amazing by just knowing that it was a true story it all happened! This book is 2nd person, and it takes rolls of different people that fought that day. Some of the people in this book have different backgrounds, for example, some people have family and some are just young people that are 18, this book makes you get attached to some of the characters because it tells you about their personal problems and why they joined the army. This book makes you get attached to the characters and makes your stay on your toes and get exited if they are in danger or if they die! They have a movie of this book that I know will not let you action lovers down (BE ADVISED THE MOVIE IS GORY)!

Friday, October 28, 2011


I have read alot of action books in my life but they just dont do the trick to exite me as much as the book "Sunrise Over Faluja". This book has its own series and all of the books are action packed! It is vary fun to read because all of the books are based on true stories of war heroes. If you like action books that keep you on your toes with a twist, than this is the right series for you!!!!!!